Giving Back at UUSGU

We are a Beloved Community.
We are gathered to practice compassion and to serve.
Social Justice Programs

Social Justice is the practical application of our faith: we seek to nurture our spirits and to help heal our world. Our members are invited to formulate and sponsor programs of constructive action, and to help groups carry out those programs.
Together we seek to identify needs both inside and outside the church, and work with individuals and groups to give concrete shape to their commitment to social justice. If you are interested in joining our social efforts please contact the church office at
Share the Plate Program
Acting on our commitment of compassion and service, the congregation of UUSGU voted to donate 50% of the offering collected at each Sunday Service to organizations in the community.
To date, our Share-the-Plate recipients, listed each month in the church newsletter, have received hundreds of dollars given for local and national organizations who provide or promote daily needs, human rights, health education, disaster relief, the arts, and much more.
Contact us at to nominate a share the plate recipient.
Financial Giving
Annual Pledging
Because our lives matter, our choices matter, and it matters how we spend our money and our time we are mindful, as members of UUSGU, that we are caretakers of our faith, our values, and our church.
There are many ways stewardship finds expression here—we teach, we care for the building and grounds, we offer comfort and welcome, we speak out against injustice and stand with those in need, and we give what we can to sustain this vibrant community.
We affirm our financial stewardship each week when we say, “The good work of UUSGU is possible only with your support. Your generosity is both needed and appreciated.”
Please check in with the church office for more information.
Lifelong Giving
A wide range of giving opportunities fit under the planned giving umbrella, including charitable bequests, life income gift arrangements such as charitable remainder trusts and gift annuities, gifts of real estate and gifts that use retirement and insurance plan benefits.
In return for a planned gift, donors and their families may receive important estate and income tax benefits or an attractive annual income stream for their life or the life of a secondary beneficiary.
Most planned gifts are deferred, meaning UUSGU will enjoy the financial benefits after the donor dies. Often a planned gift is the largest single gift donors will ever make.
For information or to discuss legacy gifts, please contact our Treasurer.​