We are filled with excitement as we kick-off the public phase of the LiftUP Campaign, the campaign to ensure that people of all abilities can access our historic meetinghouse on Grafton Common
UUSGU is a vital thread in the fabric of the community. We host programs that serve vulnerable, at-risk and diverse populations; share our space with other congregations; and work with other nonprofits.
Two local congregations
Community Groups:
AA, NA, Girl Scouts, New Mom’s Group, Crescent Manor, LGBTQ Asylum Task Force
Arts & Humanities:
Concerts, Reading Frederick Douglass Together, lectures, book clubs, historic tours, women’s, men’s & youth groups, Artists’ Way Creativity Workshop
Social Justice Activism to address:
Food insecurity
Voter education
Vigils for those oppressed
We have already completed access to the first floor. With a goal to raise $225,000, we open this new phase of fundraising to provide access to the second floor.
With 50% of our goal pledged, we are energized by the generosity and support we have received. Your support now will hasten us to our goal so we can break ground and build the Lift to the second-floor sanctuary, and truly be welcoming to all.
In alignment with our core values, the Campaign has two goals. First, install a vertical lift to the main meeting space and sanctuary of our meetinghouse. By doing so, we will be providing access to 20% of the population that is now excluded. Second, make our historic meetinghouse more available as a community resource and landmark of Grafton Common.
The Unitarian Universalist Society of Grafton & Upton is a diverse group of people. We are a mixture of perspectives, experiences, and skills. Yet, running through that diversity are common threads that bind us together as a compassionate, caring community.
LiftUP Campaign Committee
Ted Beauvais Suzanne Maas Michael Quarrey
Your support now will hasten our goal to build a Lift to the second-floor sanctuary and truly be welcoming to all
How to Give
Pledge: Fill out a Pledge Form for a donation payable over 2 years. Send to admin@uusgu.org or mail to address below.
On-line: uusgu.org/donate Designate gift for LiftUP Campaign
By check: Mail a check payable to UUSGU. Attach a note to your check designating it: LiftUP Campaign
P.O. Box 102
Grafton, MA 01519
Special thanks to our Community Supporters:
Fred Harris Daniels Foundation
Carl P. Sherr & Co., LLC