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We are a Welcoming Congregation

The Welcoming Congregation Program identifies Unitarian Universalist congregations that  take intentional steps to become more welcoming and inclusive of people who identify as LGBTQ+ and brings positive changes to individuals and congregations.

UUSGU is a UUA recognized Welcoming Congregation.


First launched in 1990, the Welcoming Congregation Program grew out of an understanding that widespread negative attitudes, deep prejudices, and profound ignorance about lesbian, gay, and bisexual people existed within Unitarian Universalism, which resulted in the exclusion of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people from our congregations. Within the next decade it became clear that transgender individuals also faced particular problems. Read more about the history of the program or explore why the idea of “welcome” focuses on LGBTQ+ people.



Creating Multicultural Congregations


Multiculturalism encompasses many aspects of identity—race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ability/disability, class, age, language and citizenship status, etc. Our current work takes seriously the intersection of identities; as the work moves forward, our resources will reflect a growing understanding of the complexity of multiculturalism as personal, cultural, and institutional identity. Here is a brief introduction to the resources you’ll find regarding our commitment to creating diverse, multicultural congregations within our Association.

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